The ultimate objective of nation building is peace and harmony for Bhutan and her people

– His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo



De-suung Headquarters, Metog Lam, Thimphu

Toll free: 1411


6th Batch De-suup Plus Training

The Training Department, De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce selected list for 6th batch De-suup Plus training for Bumthang, Trongsa and Zhemgang De-suups which will commence from 14th June to 20th June 2021. Sl. No Location (From) Reporting  Date and Time Transportation Report at 1 Bumthang 14th June, 8:30 AM self Yoezerling Resort, Bumthang 2 […]


Selected list for 6th Batch SRC Training

The Training Department, De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce selected De-suups for 6th Batch Specialized Refresher Course in CDO,Shaba and RBPTI, Jigmeling training centers. Selected list for RBPTI, Jigmeling Selected list for CDO, Shaba S/No From   To De-suup Date and time of Departure Date of arrival Pickup point 1 Samdrup jongkhar Jigmeling 30 7th June […]

General National Service Water Project

Udzorong Water Project

Udzorong Water Project under Udzorong Gewog in Trashigang Dzongkhag is one of the activities under water flagship program and will be executed as RGoB- De-suung partnership. The project will benefit 442 present households and present population of 2210.  With the estimated cost of Nu 9.9 million, the project will construct 5 nos of water intake […]


5th Batch De-suup Plus – Punakha & Wangdue De-suups

The Training Department, De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce selected list for 5th batch De-suup Plus training for Punakha and Wangdue De-suups which will commence from 05th June to 11th June 2021. The selected candidates are requested to report as mentioned below: Sl No De-suups Reporting date Reporting Time Transportation Report at 1 Punakha 05-June-21 […]


Announcement for 6th batch SRC training

The Training Department, De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce the 6th batch of Specialized Refreshers Course in two training centers(RBPTI, Jigmeling & Commando Wing, Paro) for a total of 300 De-suups. The training will commence from 9th June till 9th July, 2021. Registration will be done through the De-suung App and will be kept open till […]


5th Batch De-suup Plus – Upper Chhukha De-suup

The Training Department, De-suung Headquarters is pleased to announce the selected list for 5th batch De-suup Plus training which will commence from 05th June to 11th June 2021. The selected candidates are requested to report as mentioned below: Sl No De-suups Reporting date Reporting Time Transportation Report at 1 Residing in Gedu 05-June-21 8:30 AM […]

General Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy for medium vehicle driver

De-suups interested in driving medium vehicle (DCM) for De-suung water project are hereby requested to contact Mr. Dorji Wangchuk, MTO, De-suung Headquarters at mobile # 17771098. Interested De-suups should have valid driving license for medium vehicle and with minimum of 3 years of driving experience are encouraged for the same. The selected candidates will be […]

Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy announcement for Dzongkhag Coordinator

The De-suung HQ is pleased to announce the vacancies for the post of Dzongkhag Coordinators of Lhuentse, Trashigang and Trashiyangtse Dzongkhags. Interested De-suups of respective Dzongkhags can apply online through De-suung APP on or before 1:00PM, 26th May 2021.The shortlisted candidates will be notified individually and called for selection interview. For any queries, please contact […]