The ultimate objective of nation building is peace and harmony for Bhutan and her people

– His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo



De-suung Headquarters, Metog Lam, Thimphu

Toll free: 1411

Gomdar Water Project-Samdrup Jongkhar

Gomdar Gewog Water Project in Samdrup Jongkhar is being executed as RGoB- De-suung partnership and is one of the activities under water flagship program.

Two water projects will be taken up namely Mokhama scheme and Brongshing scheme. The Mokhama water project will benefit about 23 households with present population of 123 and future population (2041) of 159.  With the estimated cost of Nu 0.59 Million, the project construct two water reservoirs of 6000 and 1500 Litre capacity, transmission length of 2 Km and distribution length of 3.6 Km.  17 household water tap stands will be constructed.

Brongshing water project will serve 36 households with a present population of 240 and projected population (2041) of 311. Through the project, one water reservoir of 6000 litre, six Break Pressure Tanks and 13 household tap stands will be constructed. Further, 4 Km of water transmission line and 5 Km of distribution also be constructed. The estimated cost of the project is 0.66 Million.

Both the projects will be implemented by 60 De-suups. The launching of the projects was done on 26th April, 2021 and estimated to be completed in next 6 months.

The projects will be implemented with full technical supervision of Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag Engineering Sector and technical support from Program Management Unit (PMU), WSD, DES, MoWHS.

After completion, the projects will be officially handed over to the Dzongkhag /Gewog/ community for ownership, Operation and Maintenance.
