Thimphu Tshechu Duty Deployment
De-suups will be attached with Division XI, RBP Thimphu during the Tshechu duty from 4th to 6th October 2022.
140 De-suups will be deployed. Kindly register through De-suung app for the event if you are interested. The selection will be on a serial number basis. Selected candidates will be informed by DHQ and also to attend the briefing without fail.
1. Walk-in De-suups are not allowed during the Thimphu Tshechu (duty card will be issued)
2. DHQ will monitor the De-suups on duty
3. De-suups shall strictly uphold the De-suung Code of Conduct.
4. De-suups must smartly dressed and to be in full uniform
5. Male De-suups with long hair will not qualify for Tshechu duty.