National Service Hydro

De-suung signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Druk Hydro Energy Limited (DHyE) on 31st August 2022
Hydro Project - Harachhu
13th December 2022
The construction of water supply for Fish Farming Project at Harachu, Athang Gewog, Wangdue was launched on December 13, 2022, with the goal of ensuring a reliable water supply for the farm. The project was implemented under partnership project of Department of Livestock under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and De-suung Office. With support from the RBA, Dzongkhag Administration, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, it is expected engage approximately 90 De-suups at the peak time to complete the project. The 3 KM of transmission length of 315mm HDPE pipes is expected to complete in about five months. The other structure consists of intake, silt trap, 2 nos of distribution tank and 2 BPT. The project was estimated at a cost of Nu 32 million.
The inaugural ceremony was graced by the Hon’ble Secretary of MoAF, and attended by officials from Dzongkhag Administration, De-suung office, MoAF, RBA, RBP and Gewog Administration.
Hydro Project - Yungichhu
7th December, 2022
Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC) has been authorized by the Royal Government of Bhutan to proceed with the construction of three small hydropower projects in the first phase of the initiative to develop small hydropower projects across the country for energy security. The 32 MW Yungichhu hydropower project located under Maedtsho Gewog in Lhuentse Dzongkhag is one of the projects.
The inaugural ceremony of Yungichhu Hydro Power Project was held on Tuesday 7th December 2022. The ceremony was graced by the Chief Executive Officer of DHyE and attended by officials from Dzongkhag Administration, De-suung office, DHyE, RBA, BPC, DOR and Gewog Administration.
The project was implemented as a Druk Hydro Energy Limited (DHyE) and Desuung National Service partnership project. It is anticipated that approximately 80 De-suups will be engaged at the peak stage for the construction of Headworks complex works. The primary objective of engaging Desuups is to skill, upskill and further develop community resilience in the construction of hydropower projects in the country so that Bhutanese can be more engrossed in the construction of future hydropower projects.
The commissioning of the Yungichhu project will take around three years. The generated power will not only meet local energy demand but will also enhance grid stability and ensure Lhuentse and other neighboring Dzongkhags to have self-sufficient supply flexibility. Furthermore, the development of small hydropower projects across the country is intended to assist stimulate economic activity at the grassroots level, as well as generate employment and civic engagement.