The ultimate objective of nation building is peace and harmony for Bhutan and her people

– His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo



De-suung Headquarters, Metog Lam, Thimphu

Toll free: 1411

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Read the following instruction carefully and respond accordingly:

Your Aptitude Test is scheduled for 30-minutes and the answers must be submitted within the time-limit mentioned. Otherwise, your answers won’t be recorded and will be treated as Null.

It is comprised of two parts (MCQs):

Part I-General
It will be DSP related and there are no right or wrong answers for most of these questions except for some. But we will assess how  aptly you respond to our questions and the commitment to upskill and upgrade. This part will form 50% of the total assessment and for each response you submit you will fetch a score of between 1-5 based on how you apt your answers and a few questions will carry 0 points.

Part II- Course-related
This question is basically to assess how well you have learned the basics of the subject you have chosen. It will also be in the form of MCQs but unlike the part1, you will fetch 0 or 5 for every response you submit which means your answers are either right or wrong. There will be 10 questions contributing to 50% of the total assessment.

All the best!